Advisory Services :
We provide consolidated services under Company Law on monthly,
quarterly or on case to case basis which include advice on Company Law
issues, meetings, statutory records, strategic planning and other services
as may be required.
Consultation on Conducting Meetings :
Conducting Board Meetings and General Meetings require a specialized
knowledge and expertise because of legalities involved in holding such
meetings. We advise companies on preparation of agenda, notes to
agenda, other documents relevant to the board meeting, legalities and
procedures involved, arrangement of and at the venue, etc.
Secretarial Audit :
Having achieved expertise in corporate law matters, we conduct
comprehensive corporate law audit, which will ensure compliance of all the
sections of Companies Act and Rules made under the same.
Certifications :
Quite a few of the Acts, Rules and Regulation of India require that a
Company Secretary in Practice should certify certain documents or
information. We undertake all such certification work as required by the
appropriate authorities.
Closure of Companies :
Striking Off of Companies from the records of Registrar of Companies
Liquidation & winding Up of the Companies.